Monday, March 5, 2012

The report I failed to report...

Reflection is great for the heart, mind and I am often in my reflection state of mind and today reflection bought me to my blog reading over what has been written and the comments as well. And I realized that I failed to report an update on one of my struggles that I am dealing with...weight loss.

I lost 15pounds in the last 2 months! With that weight loss all of my test scores have been much better, my Dr. reported (to me) that some of my scores are the best she has ever seen them. Now if you read over my last few posts, I was really struggling with how to loose weight, what to eat and how much to eat...

So here is the lesson in that, keep hope alive and never give up! Reading what I wrote yall sounded like I was ready to throw in the towel, but I didn't! So keep working hard and doing better and results cometh!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thyroids, Schedules and Menus...oh MY!

So here is the latest...
Thyroids are in a good range but we would like to give it an extra boost, soooo, enter more medication...
The hope is that the meds will jump kick my metabolism, regulate my menstrual and help me loose weight. This also causes me to have a STRICT medication schedule so that everything is absorbed properly...

Here is what it has done...
Made me extremely HUNGRY!!! I know this means my metabolism is kicking up, but boy am I hungry! I am also thirst and again, I feel cleaner but boy am I thirsty!
Now on to menus...
I am trying to get better menus, but I have NO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING!!! I am trying to eat more frequently while eating smaller portions...ugh (I probably sound like I don’t know what I am doing...)

Any suggestions would be great!
Peace and Baby dust to all who are looking for it!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Loosing Weight has defeated me

Trying to loose weight is hard enough but loosing because you want to get pregnant sounds...stupid and I can’t seem to wrap my head around it. I know the health of my baby, me and the enjoyment of the pregnancy all depends on health conditions that I am trying not to have so I need to lose weight.
But motivation escapes me!